Exploring the Pluriverse: A New Approach to Community Building in the Digital Age

Problems: Political upheaval. Economic uncertainty. Natural disaster. Technological disruption. Chaos.

Solution: Community.

The polycrisis requires a pluriversal response—desigining organizations and ways of interacting with others that are organic, inclusive, and not constrained by a single narrative. Sahana Chattopadhyay, a writer, facilitator, catalyst, and pattern seeker, will be joined Todd Nilson to deep dive into geopolitical applications for communities and a pluriversal world.

Sahana supports organizations, leaders, and teams in designing organizations that are ready for a pluriversal world. She believes that very different futures are possible and are already being manifested. This pluriversality--a world where many worlds fit--heralds futures that are not constrained by a single narrative. The emerging futures call for very different organizations, ways of leading, and learning.

Here are five mind-blowing new ways to think about community that will make you want to watch the video replay below in full:

Insight into Pluriverse Concepts: The video offers a profound exploration of the "pluriverse" concept, challenging conventional understandings of social and geopolitical structures. It contrasts sharply with more familiar ideas like the "multiverse" of pop culture, providing a rich philosophical framework for understanding real-world complexities.

  1. Critique of Historical and Modern Systems: There is a detailed critique of historical movements such as colonialism, the Industrial Revolution, and modern neoliberal capitalism. This analysis will deepen your understanding of how these forces shape current societal norms and community interactions.

  2. Redefining Organizational Culture: The interview reimagines organizational structures beyond the traditional corporate models that emphasize efficiency and productivity. Sahana discusses transforming organizations into community-centric entities that prioritize human values and cultural diversity, offering a new model for business leaders and strategists.

  3. Redefining Organizational Culture: Sahana reimagines organizational structures beyond the traditional corporate models that emphasize efficiency and productivity. She discusses transforming organizations into community-centric entities that prioritize human values and cultural diversity, offering a new model for business leaders and strategists.

  4. Digital Community Dynamics: The interview delves into the evolution and challenges of building communities in digital spaces, particularly on social media platforms. It critically examines how these platforms, initially designed to democratize communication, have been co-opted by commercial and technological interests, impacting genuine community engagement.

  5. Future of Community Building: The discussion provides visionary ideas on regenerative futures and the role of communities as "imaginal cells" for societal change. It emphasizes the necessity of embracing diversity, empathy, and cooperation to cocreate sustainable and inclusive futures, suggesting actionable insights for fostering societal transformation.

About Sahana Chattopadhyay

She's a writer, facilitator, catalyst, and pattern seeker. In her work, she explores the emergence of a pluriversal, connected world predicated on community, solidarity, and connection.

Sahana’s LinkedIn

Show Notes

Introduction to a Pluriversal World (2:25): Sahana begins by explaining the concept of a pluriversal world as opposed to a universal, hegemonic world. Our current reality deals with a narrative of suppression and repression of many groups, although change is on the horizon.

Shifting and Strengthening Realities (13:06): We are currently in a liminal space where the shift from individuality to community is happening. Communities are imaginal cells of today and tomorrow, holding various possibilities. There is a distinction between communities and cults, fragile from repressing outside narratives.

Embracing a Life-Affirming Approach Beyond Human Interests (30:43): By transcending short-term human interests and embracing a more holistic, life-affirming perspective, organizations and societies can navigate towards regenerative futures. This involves considering the interconnectedness of all life forms, fostering collaboration, and adapting to local contexts rather than pursuing universal solutions.

Fostering Humility, Empathy, and Curiosity in Community Building (36:54): To nurture thriving and inclusive communities, it's crucial for community leaders to embody humility, empathy, and curiosity. By fostering an environment where diverse viewpoints are welcomed, discomfort is embraced, and genuine listening is practiced, communities can transcend polarization and become truly collaborative spaces.

Todd Nilson

Todd is a digital strategist specialized in building online community and digital workplace solutions.


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